HURRICANE FACTORY Prague is the only wind tunnel in the Czech Republic. It is a place, where you can fly and hover, experiencing hurricane-strength winds. The windowed 4.3 meter flying chamber, an incredible 14 m high, operates at wind speeds up to 270 km/h.
Dear Sir/Madam,
we confirm that we have worked with Strojírna Litvínov spol. s.r.o. since 2011. During this period they have provided our business with great support in all stages of our project as project management, site optimisation, construction and after sales support and service.
The are a part of our business success on a daily basis and thanks to them we became one of the most visited Indoor Skydiving centers.
We can highly recommend Strojírna Litvínov spol. s.r.o. as a solid and reliable supplier and experts in their field.