Strojírna Litvínov in year 2018

Strojírna Litvínov as one of the Czech leaders
Strojirna Litvinov during Christmas

Strojírna Litvínov in year 2018

2nd October Litvínov

Our company has been very successful this year so far. Four tunnels are building and we are the supplier of technology.

One of the biggest project of our company is in Spanish Zaragoza. This project is very special for us because we are not only the supplier but our employees are also builders.  The tunnel is taking place in one of the biggest shopping mall in Europe called Puerto Venezia. Visitors are looking forward to see it at the beginning of 2019.

Other two European countries which are going to have the tunnel very soon are Bordeaux in France where will be the tunnel type 4,3DL and Gdansk in Poland where it will be 4,3SL. Visitors can be happy to visit it in year 2019.

These days is also building one of our international project in Thailand. Thailand is going to be the second country in the world which is going to have the tunnel with unique single loop.

Night view to the construction site


Construction of the tunnel in Zaragoza

Construction site in Thailand